Redfall | Co-op Gameplay Clearing Out a Vampire’s Nest


Redfall | Co-op Gameplay Clearing Out a Vampire's Nest

At this point, saying Redfall ain’t that great of a time is hardly a new or hot take. But, to be fair, it kind of felt like the stakes were out for developer Arkane’s co-op infected immersive sim even before its release. So is our collective disappointment just a self-fulfilling prophecy? Are we merely burnt out on poorly performing games and recycled gaming tropes? That answer is probably “yes” more broadly, but after eight or so hours playing Redfall solo on the “Dusk” difficulty, I can tell you that the game itself is just not very well-made or engaging if you’re at all considering solo play.

#redfall #redfallgameplay #coopgameplay

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Date: May 20, 2023