Spider-Man 2’s New Web Wings Make It Feel Like A Proper Sequel


Spider-Man 2's New Web Wings Make It Feel Like A Proper Sequel

Spider-Man 2’s new web wings make it feel like a proper sequel. Peter Parker’s latest prototype captures the exhilaration of slinging through New York better than ever before.

Spider-Man 2 features two superheroes this time around instead of just one, and there’s a ton more stuff to upgrade as a result. Whether you’re primarily playing as Peter Parker or Miles Morales, here are all of the abilities, skills, and suit powers you should focus on powering up first.

While you can swap between Peter and Miles at any time as you web-sling through New York, certain missions and side activities will require you to play as one or the other. As a result, the heroes share some skill tree upgrades and abilities, while others are completely unique to Peter or Miles. As you explore, prevent crimes, and complete missions, you’ll earn tokens and skill points from leveling up. Read on for a quick rundown of the different upgrade paths and our thoughts on which ones are worth prioritizing to get the most out of playing Spider-Man 2.

Read more: https://kotaku.com/spider-man-2-skills-abilities-upgrade-guide-peter-miles-1850939701

#spiderman2 #ps5 #spiderman2gameplay

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Date: October 24, 2023